英語で味わう古今和歌集 1111 紀貫之 102 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-1111 Ki no Tsurayuki-102
英語で味わう古今和歌集 1111 紀貫之 102
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-1111 Ki no Tsurayuki-102
道知らば 摘(ツ)みにもゆかむ 住江(スミノエ)の 岸に生(オ)ふてふ 恋忘れ草
紀 貫之
Only if I know the way,
I would rather go to pick up orange daylily,
Called Koi-Wasure-Gusa, namely,
To forget the pain of love, effectively,
Growing at the Suminoe shore, away.
Ki no Tsurayuki
Only if I know the way, I would rather go to pick up orange daylily, called Koi-Wasure-Gusa, to forget the pain of love, growing at the Suminoe shore.
By Kota Nakako