英語で味わう古今和歌集 仮名序-8 紀貫之 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English: Preface-8 Ki no Tsurayuki


英語で味わう古今和歌集 仮名序-8 紀貫之
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English: Preface-8 Ki no Tsurayuki


At one time, poets were vacantly wondering seeing flowers. At other time, they were wondering dark night without signposts, seeing the moon. And generations of emperors judged they were good or bad, looking closely at the hearts of the poems and poets. Besides, poets were diverting themselves comparing their hearts to pebbles, wishing for happiness of others for the sake of Tsukuba San, feeling overwhelming joy and happiness, missing lovers as if they were clouds hanging over Mt. Fuji, perceiving auspicious pine trees of Takasago and Suminoe growing together, and remembering their primes as men, lamenting short lives of girl flowers.


By Kota Nakako


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