英語で味わう今和歌集 232 紀貫之 29 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-232 Ki no Tsurayuki-29

中湖 康太

英語で味わう今和歌集 232 紀貫之 29
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-232 Ki no Tsurayuki-29


誰(タ)があきに あらぬものゆゑ 女郎花(オミナエシ) なぞ色にいでて まだき移ろふ

紀 貫之

Autumn is not just for you only,
But comes to everybody, equally.
Yet, oh, Ominaeshi, why,
Do you alone hasten to bloom conspicuously,
And, getting bored, decay so quickly?

Ki no Tsurayuki

* まだき – 早くも soon
* 女郎花 – おみなえし yellow patrinia
* なぞ – どうして why
* 秋と飽きは同音異義語 ’autumn’ and ‘getting bored’ are homonyums of ‘aki’ in Japanese. 

Autumn does not come to you only but comes to everybody equally.
Why, then, Ominaeshi, do you alone hasten to bloom conspicuously and decay so quickly, as if getting bored?

by Kota Nakako


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