経済短歌: マイナス金利と資本主義 Negative Interest Rate and Capitalism

中湖 康太

ふと思う 資本の対価 負とならば 資本主義とは 一体何か 経済短歌

Now Let’s Ask Ourselves, If Reward for Capital is Negative, What is Capitalism? Economic Tanka


– English below






When Keynes challenged the classical economics, he used the term ‘money’ rather than ‘capital’. In his General Theory, he contemplated the possibility of negative interest rates, though not as factual phenomena.  He rather avoided using the term ‘capital’, because of his shrewdness and superior intellectual clarity.

He thinks in his short-term theory, interest rates on ‘money’ can be negative. But he knows that when he regards it as ‘capital’, he can be dragged into very dangerous area.  Because if interest on or reward for capital becomes negative, it can’t perhaps be called capitalism anymore.

Keynes critically avoided direct confrontation with Ricardo, his eternal nemesis. He knows iron and astute logical consistency of Ricardo, too well.

Such thought happens to come into my mind, thinking about negative interest rates.

Kota Nakako

Feb. 13, 2018

© kota nakako, gcs



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