経済短歌 稼ぐ意欲削ぐこの国の税制 Japanese tax regime discourages willingness to earn. – Economics Tanka

中湖 康太

経済短歌 稼ぐ意欲削ぐこの国の税制
Japanese tax regime discourages willingness to earn. – Economics Tanka

この国は 累進課税 増税で 稼ぐ意欲は ますます削る

Heavier and heavier progressive taxation in this country,
Discourages willingness to earn significantly.

経済短歌 ふざけるな金融所得増税
Financial tax increase? No kidding. – Economics Tanka

金融の 所得増税 ふざけるな 稼ぐのやめて ほそぼそ生きる

Financial income tax increase? – No kidding.
All I should do is stop earning and make a meager living.  

by Kota Nakako



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