経済短歌 日銀の為替介入はあるか? BOJ’s intervention likely? Economic Tanka

中湖 康太

経済短歌 日銀の為替介入はあるか? BOJ’s intervention likely? Economic Tanka

一流の 経済学者 名を汚す 為替介入 恐らくしない - 植田日銀

Ueda BOJ’s currency intervention is perhaps unlikely,
As it should tarnish the reputation of Ueda, as first-class economist dirty.

円安が 進行するは 国内の 金融緩和 維持の代償/報償

Yen is Weakening – 
A reward or punishment of the solitary Large Scale Monetary Easing? 

円安は 金科玉条 二パーセント 達成のための 政策誘導

Weak yen is the result of Japan’s Large Scale Monetary Easing solitary,
To achieve the golden rule of two percent inflation desperately. 

これ以上 円安進行 望まむも? 緩和維持の 政策ジレンマ

The weakening yen – if not desired honestly,
Indicates Japan’s dilemma, to maintain the ultra-loose monetary policy. 

By Kota Nakako


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