短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-6-s-7 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-6-s-7

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短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-6-s-7 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-6-s-7

(設備能力に余裕がない場合) —> 完全雇用の場合(KN注)

限界の 使用者費用は 通常の 更新含む 資本減耗

If there is no surplus or redundant stock, so that more units of similar equipment are being newly produced every year either as an addition or in replacement, it is evident that marginal user cost will be calculable by reference to the amount by which the life or efficiency of the equipment will be shortened if it is used, and the current replacement cost.


(設備能力が余剰の場合) —> 不完全雇用の場合(KN注)

利子率と 補助的費用 使用者の 費用に算入 されるべきなり

余剰なる 設備は破棄や 減耗で 解消までは 付加的費用

余剰なる 設備が解消 されるまで 使用者費用に 付加費加わる 

If, however, there is redundant equipment, then the user cost will also depend on the rate of interest and the current (i.e. re-estimated) supplementary cost over the period of time before the redundancy is expected to be absorbed through wastage, etc.  In this way interest cost and current supplementary cost enter indirectly into the calculation of user cost.


by Kota Nakako

短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-6-s-7 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-6-s-7 – 株式会社ゼネラル・カラー・サービス 中湖康太 経済文化コラム (general-cs.tokyo)

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