狂歌 石丸伸二の都知事選での躍進 Shinji Ishimaru leaping forward in Tokyou Gobernatorial Election – Kyoka

中湖 康太

狂歌 石丸伸二の都知事選での躍進
Shinji Ishimaru leaping forward in Tokyou Gobernatorial Election – Kyoka, Crazy Tanka

石丸は リアル政治の 半沢だ 次の選挙で 倍返しかな

Shinji Ishimaru is Naoki Hanzawa in the political world.
He may payback double (= get twice as many votes) in the next gobernatorial election.

石丸は 政治再建 第一に 東京発信 経済強国

Ishimaru pleges political reconstrution as electral manifesto,
To make Japan economic power house starting from Tokyo.

石丸が 立憲蓮舫  打ち負かす 第2位得票 一躍寵児

Shinji Ishimaru deafted Renho, ex-CDP, tied-up with JCP, 
Becoming valuable runner-up in the last Tokyo govenatorial election.

By Kota Nakako


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