日銀のバランスシートについての試験的考察(1) A short analysis on BOJ’s balance sheet (1)

中湖 康太

日銀のバランスシートについての試験的考察(1) A short analysis on BOJ’s balance sheet (1)

(English summary down below.)



出口のない金融緩和? 矛盾した政策運営





日銀の2023年3月期の総資産は735兆円(以下、記載なければ兆円未満切り捨て)、そのうち国債が581兆円と79.0%に相当する。QQEによるリスク資産保有として、金銭の信託(信託財産指数連動型上場投資信託)37兆円、金銭信託(信託財産不動産投資信託; J-REIT)が6,665億円ある。















Summary in English

Alert to BOJ’s monetary policy

The market is interested in BOJ’s next move in monetary policy; i.e., when and how BOJ will or can exit the YCC and negative interest rate policy (NIRP), or if it will be possible after all. Why BOJ seems to be reluctant to exit YCC and NIRP? 

Contradiction – Exit strategy without exit?

BOJ continues to maintain YCC and NIRP, by revising, it appears, the 2% inflation rate target to that wage hike inclusive, while the government is trying to subdue general price increases caused by the rise in commodity prices including oil and weak yen. It looks a contradiction.

BOJ’s balance sheet is a key

It is very important to review BOJ’s balance sheet of total assets of Y735 (US$4.9) trillion.  As of end March 2023, BOJ holds Y581 (US$3.9) tr. of JGB, out of which Y576 ($3.8) tr. is long-term, mostly more than 10 years, and Y5.5 ($0.036) tr. short-term. Indeed, JGB accounts for nearly 80% of its balance sheet, and most of it is long-term.  

Massive JGB holdings backed by the current deposits – Problematic from ALM

The huge JGB holding by BOJ is basically backed by the current deposits by mostly commercia banks amounting to Y549 ($3.7) tr. in the liabilities side.

From the view point of ALM (Assets and Liabilities Management), this is a big problem in two ways. One is BOJ should suffer significant losses in the balance sheet if interest rate, in particular long-term, rises. The other is BOJ will become unprofitable should short-term interest rates rise as it has to pay interest on the current deposits; (Under NIRP, it has earned interest, on the contrary).

BOJ’s as Japanese government subsidiary theory

If we look at BOJ’s P/L for the end of March 2023, it earned net income of Y2.1 tr. (US$14.0 billion), with the interest received of Y1.3 tr. ($8.7 billion) on its JGB holdings. Most of the net income goes to the Japanese government as the payment to national treasury. This is where the theory of BOJ as the Japanese government subsidiary is advocated by the exponent.

YCC and NIRP as the scheme to maintain the current regime

After all, YCC and NIRP is the scheme where both authorities, political and monetary, can sustain the current state of affairs where large amount of JGBs can be absorbed by BOJ.

BOJ’s reluctance to exit YCC and NIRP is perhaps not only caused by pure monetary policy reason but also dictated by its own balance sheet.

Next, I would like to look at FRB’s balance sheet for comparison.  

By Kota Nakako


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