新著「江戸のパロディ 大田南畝の狂歌 Nanpo Ota’s Kyoka – Parody of Edo」


酒・金・女etc. 江戸のパロディ 大田南畝の狂歌 Nanpo Ota’s Kyoka – Parody of Edo: 和英対訳コメント付き in Japanese and English (GCS出版) 

Amazon.co.jp: 酒・金・女etc. 江戸のパロディ 大田南畝の狂歌 Nanpo Ota’s Kyoka – Parody of Edo: 和英対訳コメント付き in Japanese and English (GCS出版) eBook : 中湖 康太, 中湖康太: Kindleストア








中湖 康太


Laughter refreshes and releases our mind and body. However, there are many kinds of laugher; e.g. induced by exaggeration, lark, prank, comic, wit, humor, parody, gag, satire, irony, etc. save the exact definitions, here.

It is notable that Kyoka, or comic tanka, flourished in Japan in Edo period, making use of traditional 31 (5-7-5-7-7) syllables, which naturally resonates in Japanese mind. The rise of Kyoka was led by Nanpo Ota (pen names: Akara Yomo, Shokusan-jin), a shogunate vassal, an intellectual and then the greatest Kyoka author.

Behind the surge lied the open policy of ‘Tanuma Period’, placing emphasis on the activities of the private sector, albeit criticized as bribery-prone.

It declined in the following Kansei Reform, austere and restrained. Nanpo broke off writing, accordingly. It suggests that laughter, humor, joke and the like, are closely linked to the atmosphere of free and open society.

This book includes Nanpo’s 122 representative Kyoka poems, divided into 9 topics such as sake, money, woman, etc., with explanatory comments both in English and Japanese. There are two aims for writing this book. First is to make Nanpo’s Kyoka more accessible to people outside Japan or non-Japanese. Second is to do so even to many Japanese, as Japanese language in Edo period is not necessarily easy to understand for them today.

It is my great pleasure if this book is useful to many people who are interested in Nanpo Ota, Edo Kyoka and more broadly Japanese culture.

May 2024
Kota Nakako



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酒・金・女etc. 江戸のパロディ 大田南畝の狂歌 Nanpo Ota’s Kyoka - Parody of Edo: 和英対訳コメント付き in Japanese and English (GCS出版)

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