投資短歌 突然の利食い売りは買いの好機か Sudden profit taking decline and buying opportunities perhaps – Investment Tanka

中湖 康太

投資短歌 突然の利食い売りは買いの好機か 
Sudden profit taking decline and buying opportunities perhaps  – Investment Tanka

突然の 利食い売りかな 株下落 割高感なく 仕込み好機か

The sudden correction of the stock market today perhaps profit-taking, 
Can be a chance to buy some inexpensive stocks promising. 


日経平均PER16.82倍(今期予想)、PBR1.52倍(実績)、ROE9.0%(推定) (24/03/08時点) (出所: 日経)

Japanese stock market, though not as inexpensive as before, is not yet overvalued, based on Nikkei 225 valuations of PER16.82x (24/4e), PBR1.52x (act), and ROE9.0% (est.) as of March 8, 2024, in my opinion. (Nikkei 225 valuation numbers – Source: Nikkei)
I tend to think it’s a buying opportunity to pick up some inexpensive stocks promising.

By Kota Nakako


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