ケインズの投資について-4 金鉱株投資 Keynes’ Investments-4 Investment in Gold Mining Shares

中湖 康太

ケインズ初めての金鉱株投資 - 金鉱脈への投機ではない



  “I dare say you are right to be wary of gold mines. I have never bought one in my life or advised anyone else to buy one, until the last month; but I regard recent developments as not really primarily within the mining sphere itself, but an adjustment to a new exchange situation – and that is something I can pretend to understand – and not a speculation about the contents of a prospective hole in the ground. One is dealing today with a highly developed and routine industry, the doubts being almost entirely concerned with exchange and taxation prospects and not with mining prospects. If your heart were to melt towards them, I should very strongly recommend, apart from the question of principle, the purchase of 300 Crown Mines. Personally, I think this is an absolutely suitable investment for an insurance company. I know it has been thought so in other cases – one of the greatest properties in the world, capitalised today at about £15,000,000.” (Letter to F.C. Scott, 9 February 1933)

 ケインズは、金(本位制)のことを「野蛮な遺物」(barbarous relic)と呼んだ。そのケインズがなぜ、金本位制を離脱した南アの金鉱株に投資したのか。ケインズの書簡からは、金鉱権益や金自体の価値から投資対象としてはいない。ケインズは、金鉱企業の収益力、バリュエーション(価値評価)の観点から南ア金鉱株に投資したのだ。


By Kota Nakako



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